My roommate got very drunk last night after two weeks of sobriety. He came home with friends, waking me up from my much-needed sleep. Though I didn't see anything, I can reconstruct what happened. He puked in the shower. He pulled himself up by way of the shower curtains, causing the bar that holds them up to come crashing onto the floor. He somehow ripped the soap holder off the wall. He told one of his friends to take it. When his friend ignored him, my roommate screamed "Here! Catch this!" and threw the heavy soap holder at him, violently. His friend (who happens to be some straight guy that my roommate is obsessed with), ran as fast as he could, knocking things over in his drunkeness. My roommate followed. He grabbed his friend by the neck with both hands, screaming and squeezing. His friend tried to act calm at first, tried to talk my roommate down, but soon his exhortations turned to pleadings, which turned into screams for the police (a third friend was standing there watching the whole time). At this point I locked my bedroom door, not really knowing why, and laid back down in the darkness.
The last thing I heard before his friends ran out of the apartment was the straight guy screaming "quit biting my leg!" Then all was quiet for about an hour, except for some rustlings of pieces of paper. Every once in awhile I would hear my roommate say something, but it seemed liked he was talking to himself, so I just put my headphones on and ignored him.
I woke up because I heard him trying to open up my door, knocking and jiggling the handle. Of course he couldn't open the door. A moment later I heard a tremendous crash at the door, which startled me into full wakefulness, though I kept pretending to sleep. About a half and hour later, around two a.m, I couldn't hear anything going on in the rest of the house, so I got up and turned on the light. There, on my door, was a huge crack running almost all the way from top to bottom, causing the door to bend out almost an inch farther in than it usually does. It was quite extreme, and I realized then how easy it would be for him to bust my door down. When I finally got the courage to gather my stuff up so I could leave the house, I saw that there was a huge hole, maybe a foot in diameter, on the outside of the door.
I left the house very, very quickly, and went to go sleep at my friend Mark's house.
I'm never going to go back there when he's there again. I have to do some finnagling with my friends, to see who has a place I can store my stuff, and who has a car to help me move it. My roommate is going out of town on Thursday afternoon, so I can go pack up my stuff then. Unfortunately, I'll be going out of town the next day, so I'll have to get my stuff all out as quickly as possible. I have hardly anything, however, so this shouldn't be too big of a deal. What I'm really worried about is that my roommate is going to go into my room and do something to my stuff while I'm gone.
And the most unfortunate thing about all this is that I have a test to take in an hour and a half, and I'm totally not ready for it.