Dreams Recurring

I am a 26 year old college student at Ohio State University (OSU). I am male, white, homosexual. If you want to know anything else, you'll just have to read the blog itself. The title comes from an old Husker Du song, though I did change it slightly. **ATTENTION** some of the entries in this blog contain sexually explicit material.

Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Please read my blog, because, unlike most of the people on here, I really do keep up on it. It's not very stylish, my blog, but I do take it at least semi-seriously, and post regularly. Surely such perseverence and loyalty is worth something?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Twice today I found objects that were lost by others: first a cell phone, then some car keys. Both times I went to the nearest employee of the place I found them in and tried to give it to them so they could put it in the lost and found, and both times they flat-out refused, telling me to go to such-and-such office instead. Finally, both times I got pissed-off to the point of irrationality, and got very snappy with the person who I was supposed to give it to.

Incidently, I find it much easier to pay attention to what my teachers are saying if I focus my attention on their wet, fleshy, twitching mouths, rather than look them in their clear, soulful eyes.


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