My Brother/Going Home.
I don't know what it is about my brother, but no one can make me laugh like he can. And I mean, like, manic, uncontrolable laughter, the kind of laughter you get when you're a teenager, getting high for the first time. Usually I don't even understand what we're laughing at; something will just strike me as deliciously absurd, or unbearably exciting, and I'll be forced to laugh. And of course if he's laughing too that just feeds my laughter, which just feeds his laughter, and , well, we all know how this goes. For me it usually ends with a slight feeling of nervousness and dissatisfaction with life, which is annoying, but not heavy enough to outweigh the pleasure of the overall experience, so it's still worth it.
Yeah, I guess I'm a little sad that I have to leave him, and go back to Columbus. I'm not as sad that I have to leave my Mom. I do love her, but I don't exactly get along very well with her or anything. Sometimes we have nice conversations, but she has that weird Minnesotan passive-agressiveness that drives me nuts. I mean, having someone make themselves a martyr for you is really not a lot of fun. I guess this is something that all Moms do. The fact that she's from Minnesota just makes it twice as bad.
Well, I'm leaving tomarrow. I've been wanting to leave for the past three days. I'm not wanting to leave so much today, but I'm not really wanting to stay either. I certainly am looking forward to getting back to my little room, bland and strange though it may be, and all the people and places that make up my day-to-day life. You know, this is exactly what I had hoped would happen: my distance from Columbus has made me look at it with more fondness, and living there will be a much more plesureable experience than it has been for the past couple of months.
Must resist urge to type forever...must stick to the point...must not go on random tangent...resist! resist!
Yeah, I guess I'm a little sad that I have to leave him, and go back to Columbus. I'm not as sad that I have to leave my Mom. I do love her, but I don't exactly get along very well with her or anything. Sometimes we have nice conversations, but she has that weird Minnesotan passive-agressiveness that drives me nuts. I mean, having someone make themselves a martyr for you is really not a lot of fun. I guess this is something that all Moms do. The fact that she's from Minnesota just makes it twice as bad.
Well, I'm leaving tomarrow. I've been wanting to leave for the past three days. I'm not wanting to leave so much today, but I'm not really wanting to stay either. I certainly am looking forward to getting back to my little room, bland and strange though it may be, and all the people and places that make up my day-to-day life. You know, this is exactly what I had hoped would happen: my distance from Columbus has made me look at it with more fondness, and living there will be a much more plesureable experience than it has been for the past couple of months.
Must resist urge to type forever...must stick to the point...must not go on random tangent...resist! resist!
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