Dreams Recurring

I am a 26 year old college student at Ohio State University (OSU). I am male, white, homosexual. If you want to know anything else, you'll just have to read the blog itself. The title comes from an old Husker Du song, though I did change it slightly. **ATTENTION** some of the entries in this blog contain sexually explicit material.

Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Please read my blog, because, unlike most of the people on here, I really do keep up on it. It's not very stylish, my blog, but I do take it at least semi-seriously, and post regularly. Surely such perseverence and loyalty is worth something?

Friday, July 01, 2005

And I'm not so worried about The Talker being older than me anymore; I've been thinking about what I want out of a relationship and about the kind of guy that I would like to have, and I'm beginning to think that I'm not ever gonna be able to find what I want in a guy my own age. Like, someone as young as me would just be unlikely to have the characteristics I'm looking for. For example, stability (both in the sense of a stable psyche and in a material sense as well), experience..., a sexy bald head.... Even guys that I've known in their early 30's seem too inexperienced and unstable for me to enjoy thoroughly.

But The Talker is only in his late 30's, which really isn't that old. Perhaps he's just unusally mature, not just for his age, but for humans in generally (which is a little ironic, because he was telling me just last night how immature he is...). Actually, his stable, reliable vibe really reminds me of my ex, The Suburban Pot-Head, who was only 28. Come to think of it, Mark, my ex before The Suburban Pot-Head, was alot like that too.

*shudder* All my typos...all my bad grammer...and my confusing, almost ambiguous sentence structures....if he ever reads my blog I'll be so embaressed.... Not embarressed enough to go back and edit my entries, but embarressed nonetheless...


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