Dreams Recurring

I am a 26 year old college student at Ohio State University (OSU). I am male, white, homosexual. If you want to know anything else, you'll just have to read the blog itself. The title comes from an old Husker Du song, though I did change it slightly. **ATTENTION** some of the entries in this blog contain sexually explicit material.

Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Please read my blog, because, unlike most of the people on here, I really do keep up on it. It's not very stylish, my blog, but I do take it at least semi-seriously, and post regularly. Surely such perseverence and loyalty is worth something?

Friday, July 15, 2005

This sickness is not getting better. There's so much mucus coming out of me, it's amazing. I usually take this abundance of snot as a sign that my body is getting better, but that doesn't seem to be happening.

I have a feeling that it's just not going to get better until I stop smoking again. But I worry so much about the condition of my mind, and how that will change when I get rid of the cigarettes. Well, two friends of mine, independantly of each other, both informed me that there is a class of drugs that act on the mind in a very similar way that the nicotine does. So I made an appointment with a therapist to talk about it. But I wanted to continue smoking until that time. Oh well. I'm even more negatively affected by the health problems associated with cigarettes than I am by the lack of nicotine. Probably I will change my mind once I am missing the nicotine again, and I remember just how bad it is to live without it.


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