I talked to people today.
I had a nice day today; I talked to some people. Like, people that I wasn’t forced to talk to, or who I wanted to get something from; Just regular people that I talked to strictly for pleasure. It was nice.
I’m making a conscious effort to only talk to people if I have to, or if I think it will be pleasurable to talk with them. A lot of times I talk to people because I want them to do things for me, like give me a ride home, let me live with them, or give me a blowjob. I think, though, that my relations with others will be healthier and more satisfying if they are initiated purely for the pleasure of having the relation itself, not for some other benefit. And it worked. I had two nice conversations with people today, one a complete stranger and the other a long-time acquaintance.
Speaking of my dreams, I don’t remember any from last night…oh yeah, me and my friend Anna were doing a documentary about Starbucks; not to expose exploitation or anything like that, but just to focus on the people that work there, like some kind of slice-of-life type of thing. After I woke up, I was struck by the pacing of the dream; it seemed to be happening in real time, with the pacing of reality, and with the same sort of continuity as reality. In the past most of my dreams were random images, or images interspersed with pure emotion without object, which were all held together by a theme, but not with a very cohesive story line. Lately though, my dreams have seemed more like movies. I think this denotes a recent change in my consciousness.
On another note, I went cruising down by the river again today. Even though the guy that I ended up being with was actually really hot, and was well suited to my sexual style (he was a bottom), I didn’t really enjoy myself so much, and went away slightly dissatisfied. Strange.
I’m making a conscious effort to only talk to people if I have to, or if I think it will be pleasurable to talk with them. A lot of times I talk to people because I want them to do things for me, like give me a ride home, let me live with them, or give me a blowjob. I think, though, that my relations with others will be healthier and more satisfying if they are initiated purely for the pleasure of having the relation itself, not for some other benefit. And it worked. I had two nice conversations with people today, one a complete stranger and the other a long-time acquaintance.
Speaking of my dreams, I don’t remember any from last night…oh yeah, me and my friend Anna were doing a documentary about Starbucks; not to expose exploitation or anything like that, but just to focus on the people that work there, like some kind of slice-of-life type of thing. After I woke up, I was struck by the pacing of the dream; it seemed to be happening in real time, with the pacing of reality, and with the same sort of continuity as reality. In the past most of my dreams were random images, or images interspersed with pure emotion without object, which were all held together by a theme, but not with a very cohesive story line. Lately though, my dreams have seemed more like movies. I think this denotes a recent change in my consciousness.
On another note, I went cruising down by the river again today. Even though the guy that I ended up being with was actually really hot, and was well suited to my sexual style (he was a bottom), I didn’t really enjoy myself so much, and went away slightly dissatisfied. Strange.
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