[This morning, just after I got to work,]
This morning, just after I got to work, my boss, an older lady with big energetic eyes and tight curly hair, came up to my desk, leaned against it, and stared at me mischeviously. She was holding a folded piece of paper in her hand. Obviously she had something to say to me, and it seemed to have something to do with the piece of paper. The idea flashed through my mind that I was going to be given some sort of reward or something, because she looked, for all intents and purposes, happy and exicted. I looked at her curiously and expectantly for a moment, and, after screwing her mouth around for a minute, she said "Missing someone?". I had no idea what she was talking about, so I just smiled for a minute, and then looked up to the right, as though trying to think of something. "No" i said, continuing to smile. In reply to this she flashed open the piece of paper, and sitting inside was a small card from a strip club or something, with a picture of a woman in lingerie on it, and some sort of curly script writing. After seeing this, I was still just as confused as before, and so I just continued to stare at her, bemused and inquisitive. And so she told me that J. (my boss' boss) had found the card in one of the scanners in the office, and had thus made a search through the computers to see what had been done with it. In the process she had found several "cookies" (I have no idea what those are) related to some porn sites (I was not told the exact nature of the sites). This had made J. quite irate, and so she asked my boss to find out if it were one of her employees. Of course they all assumed it was me (and they were partially right), because the office is almost entirely women, who presumably take no interest in this kind of thing, and of all the men that work in the office I'm the only one who uses a computer. So of course it was me. I didn't exactly admit to it, but I didn't really deny it either. I should have just baldly lied right to her face, denying everything, but I had just woken up, and wasn't thinking straight. And then she was just so happy, so light-hearted, that it just didn't really occur to me that there was anything particulaily serious about the situation. Anyway, she made it clear that if anything like this ever happened again, i'd be in real trouble.
The truth is, that on Friday last I was looking at porn on my computer after everyone else had left for the day. I don't make a habit of doing this, and have only done so two other times in the year that I have worked there, but It was indeed me who was doing it. But who the hell left that card? I mean, I'm gay, I don't need calling cards from female strip-clubs. Somebody else had left that card. We got a new scanner a couple of months ago, which isn't used very often, so maybe it was there when we got it? I don't think that any of the other employees had left it, 'cause even though some of them are youngish men like myself, none of them are ever in the office by themselves. It could have been one of the females, and if so I think it's pretty shitty of them to let me take the fall for what they did. The only other thing I can think of is that someone from a different office snuck in left it there...maybe planted it there, to get me in trouble! But that's too paranoid. Still....it's kind of mysterious, and if it hadn't been for that card, J. would never had found those "cookies". It doesn't really matter though, the damage has been done. It's a pretty small office, and from the way that everyone is looking at me and treating me I think they know about the situation and all think it was me. Aaargh. It is very uncomfortable for me there now. Thank god this is only a three day week.
The truth is, that on Friday last I was looking at porn on my computer after everyone else had left for the day. I don't make a habit of doing this, and have only done so two other times in the year that I have worked there, but It was indeed me who was doing it. But who the hell left that card? I mean, I'm gay, I don't need calling cards from female strip-clubs. Somebody else had left that card. We got a new scanner a couple of months ago, which isn't used very often, so maybe it was there when we got it? I don't think that any of the other employees had left it, 'cause even though some of them are youngish men like myself, none of them are ever in the office by themselves. It could have been one of the females, and if so I think it's pretty shitty of them to let me take the fall for what they did. The only other thing I can think of is that someone from a different office snuck in left it there...maybe planted it there, to get me in trouble! But that's too paranoid. Still....it's kind of mysterious, and if it hadn't been for that card, J. would never had found those "cookies". It doesn't really matter though, the damage has been done. It's a pretty small office, and from the way that everyone is looking at me and treating me I think they know about the situation and all think it was me. Aaargh. It is very uncomfortable for me there now. Thank god this is only a three day week.
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